Another Refugee from another place

I suspect this will be a fairly irregular blog as I’ve already moved my old My Opera site over to my own web space and it would be a lot of work to replicate things again. I’ll be linking blog posts via my timeline, so you won’t miss out completely.

You may also get the odd exclusive here, starting with today’s ‘fox of the day’ (part of a regular series on


And I may get back to posting about web browsers, which is where I recall this all started. Me? I’m currently trying out Pale Moon, a Firefox variant but one which promises not to use the forthcoming Australis UI which is about as popular with the FF crowd as the Chrome-based Opera is with long-time Opera users. I’ve configured it to be about as close to my old Opera 12 set-up as I can.

And just because I took the photo at dawn today, here’s what a pale moon looks like in the flesh!
